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How To Make A Tin Can Unicorn Pen Holder

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Oh Hey! i’m Jamy!

I’m the creator of Boone & Boogie and I’m so excited to be friends! I hope you find everything to make you a creative genius. Join me for sooo many crafts, DIYs, tips and tricks, printable, SVGs… and so much more!

Let's do what we love, and a lot of it!

Grab a tin can and this FREE printable to make the most magical Tin Can Unicorn Pen Holder.

unicorn pen holder Pinterest pin tin can upcycle recycled crafts

“Well, now that we have seen each other,” said the unicorn, “If you’ll believe in me, I’ll believe in you.”

Unicorns are mythical creatures, full of color, glitter and magic. They remind you to believe in yourself, and think anything is possible. I mean… look at this magical tin can unicorn!

Let’s talk about upcycled crafts. Upcycling is a creative way to reuse items that we would normally trash. When you make dinner, save the cans or jars. When the toilet paper is gone, save the roll. Bottle caps, buttons, mason jars, wine corks… the options are endless.

Check out some other upcycled crafts here

toilet paper roll basket with colorful popsicle sticks
Toilet Paper Roll Baskets
stained glass mason jar outside on brown wood deck in sunlight
Sharpie Stained Glass Mason Jar
four colorful coffee filter hearts kids craft
Coffee Filter Hearts

Let’s create some magic!

craft cardctock paper and tin can 


1. Remove the label from you tin can. Make sure your can is fully cleaned from any remaining food. I usually throw mine in the dishwasher with dinner dishes. And make sure you have no sharp edges.

2. Place your can on its side on your paper and measure the can.

tin can and cardstock

3. Take a ruler or another piece of paper and draw a line all the way across the paper. Cut straight across.

4. Place glue on one end of the paper. Line it up to the can so the paper is flush with the top of the can lip.

5. Wrap the paper around the can and glue the opposite end down.

tin can wrapped in yardstick to make a unicorn pen holder

6. Print out the free printable above and cut out the unicorn shapes.

purple card stock with free unicorn pen holder shapes

7. Use the new cutouts as stencils. Trace onto the colors of your choice. Here, I used pale yellow for the body and ears, pink for the inside of the ears, and shades of purple for the flowers. I had leftover gold glitter from my daughters birthday party that I used for the horn.

free unicorn pen holder printables to place on tin can

8. Glue the ears slightly behind the unicorn horn. Attach the horn and ears to the top of the can. Glue on the flowers. And take a sharpie or black marker and draw on the eyes. unicorn pen holder made from upcycled tin can

And you have yourself a magical pen holder to brighten your creative space!

Let me know if you make this Valentine heart candle and share a picture on Instagram or Facebook or leave a comment below! Enjoy and thank you for reading!

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